Ever you wished could extract the audio from your favorite videos and turn them into MP3 songs? Xender make it possible now. With Xender, you can turn videos into MP3 songs, or extract the sound from videos. Go to download Xender and experience it now.

Music & Video Player
You can play music and watch videos in Xender now. No need switch to other apps after receiving music or videos from your friends or family. With Xender, you can enjoy your top tunes, videos, and movies offline. You can also send your favouriate music, videos, and fun stuff to others straight from Xender.
File manager
Xender's own file manager makes it simple to sort out the files on your device, offering ways to arrange, move, copy, delete, and get to files you've saved
Manage Files: Look through your device, see file info, and sort stuff how you like.
Delete Files: With Xender, dumping unwanted files is easy, making more room and helping your device run better.